Hello, this is a page dedicated to Cullen Rutherford, a character from the Dragon Age fantasy game series. This is for fun lol, a lil disclaimer in case of copyright and all that. I wanted to do something fun and creative because I missed making lil webpages like I did as a teen. I decided to make it about Cullen because I think he's pretty neat.
So take a look around, or not lol. If you romanced Cullen with your Inquisitor you're pretty sexy and cool. Have a nice day.
About Me
I'm Ellie, I'm 26 years old. Pronouns are she/her. I'm bi. Besides really liking Cullen I'm also into creating digital art, crafting with clay and resin and collecting Rilakkuma. Will sell my soul for matcha boba.
Other places to find me:
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